Friday, April 15, 2016

10 Things People Dont Tell You About Pregnancy

Since becoming pregnant, my body has started to do some pretty crazy things. Things that no one tells you are part of pregnancy until you begin researching 'is this normal'.. We've all done it!
So, here are 10 things about pregnacy I discovered since becoming pregnant:
1. The Tiredness.
You'll feel tired ALL THE TIME. I never really understood just how tired a human body could feel until i got pregnant! I mean, so tired, that even in work, I would have to take a nap. When you feel tired, you gotta sleep and thats just it. I even joked to my co workers that i thought i was narcoleptic before I found out i was pregnant, as my eyes would just not stay open. Probably the most difficult early pregnancy symptom as its difficult to hide it from people; Just take it easy!
2. Sore Boobs
And by sore, I mean so SORE.. Like having to wear a bra to bed, and it hurts to even turn around too quickly. This was personally my first pregnancy symptom. I thought it was my period hormones kicking in, but nope; Pregnant :) It lasted for a couple of months, and i found those stretchy training bras from Primark so handy, even doubling it over my regular bras some days.
3. Gas. All Day!
This one, while I had been aware of it, I was somehow still unprepared for just how much gas there would be! Seriously... You'll fart. You'll burp. You'll have trapped wind. Painful trapped wind at that. Theres not much else to say about that one!
4. Constipation.
Another unpleasant side effect of pregnancy is constipation. I have never been constipated like i have been pregnant and constipated! It is SO BAD! Its all down to that lovely hormone 'Relaxin' It slows down your bodys functions by up to 30%... 30%, thats a huge amount. So food travels much slower through the digestive tract, so if you dont drink enough water, the stool becomes dried out, and will not move through the intestines with ease. It is not pleasant! All I can say is stock up on prune juice!
5. Sneezing.
Now this one, was what surprised me most. No one ever mentioned the fact that you sneeze a lot when pregnant. What is that about? We can thank hormones estrogen and progesterone for this one. They cause congestion and swelling in the nose. Some people even find their lips swell. Kylie Jenner anyone?
6. Headaches.
By headaches, I mean blinding migranes! Some ladies get them more than others, some not at all. I have been lucky to suffer perhaps once a month. This one can have a million and one causes, but is most likely caused by increased blood volume and circulation. Or dehydration.
7. You get fat.
And i dont mean a cute little bump. Before that cute bump stage, you will just look like youve piled on the pounds. The bump wont be solid and rounded. Your belly will be squidgy! You'll basically just look fat. I, personally had to increase a pant size, then another pant size as maternity pants just didnt fit my squishy belly properly. My bump popped at about 17 weeks to that nice rounded belly, and by 20 weeks I was in my maternity jeans. I picked up some fab pairs in Next. Only in the past week or so, I have been unable to wear my size 10 uniform tunic for work so have been in pants and tops.
8. The ravenous hunger.
So, it seems pregnancy is not an excuse to eat what you want all the time. Who knew? You dont need extra calories in the first trimester, 200 calories extra in the second trimester, and another 200 calories extra in the third trimester (On Average.. Dont quote me, Im not a doctor.) Its really difficult as you just feel so darn hungry. Well, I do anyway... Thanks to the fact that i havent had morning sickness. Some women actually loose weight at the beginning of their pregnancy. First trimester eating more is so easy as youre just so tired. I used to come home from work, have dinner served up to me by my husband, and sit on the couch for the evening until bedtime. I felt unable to do anything more. Week 14 hit and I had a little more energy and began cooking again. My poor husband! He was so good looking after me during that time. So, if you have a significant other, do a deal that you'll do the grocery shopping if he cooks it up for you.
Its so important to get in lots of fruit, veg and protein so look up easy meals that wont take too long. I like Jamie Olivers 30 minute meals. Baby will go through growth spurts at different stages where youll feel so hungry that you cannot fit enough food into your face... Like when you're due your period. Dont deny yourself your treats. Mine is Loop-the-Loop icepops. Too good!
9. People will rub your belly.
For me, the belly rubbing doesnt bother me. When the person knows me. If a stranger came up and started rubbing me, I'd have no problem telling them not to. Luckily, it hasnt happened me yet! If you feel uncomfortable with people rubbing your baby bump, tell them. Its your body, its your personal space. Rubbing their belly back is usually a good one!
10. Inappropriate remarks/ Advice.
This is the worst one of all for me.
Since becoming pregnant, everyone has something to say about it. Whether its family, friends or colleagues, or even strangers. Mostly its words of congrats.. But you will get a lot of advice that people have gained from their own experience(which is great, helpful and i'll smile and nod and take it on board. But no baby is the same, and I will learn how to parent my baby when they arrive) The worst one is "You'll know when you have kids", and im sure i have no idea how tired you can be, how difficult going to the shops can be, etc. but this is so insulting.
I also got several "Hi Fatso"... Yes, seriously. I got several "Wow, youre all there arent you?" and even a few "OMG, Youre so big"! Which, let me tell you, is not what you say to a hormonal pregnant lady. I already feel so big, so squishy and so fat. I dont need you to remind me!
But none of this matters when youre home with your own new little family, taking wonder in all of the fun and tiredness and dirty nappies that are to come. Little one, I cannot wait to meet you.
Until next time, Conni x
Things I'm loving:
(*Not my images) Loop-the-loop ice pops. Next maternity jeans. Prune Juice. Penneys stretchy bras.

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