Sunday, May 22, 2016

Pregnancy Update

Hello lovelies,
Just wanted to post a little update about my pregnancy since I updated last.
So I have had quite a few hospital appointments since my last update. I passed my 3 hour glucose tolerance test which is great, so naturally I celebrated with some chocolate! I also recently had my 28 week check up, which revealed that baby is lying transverse breech. This means baby is flat on its back with head at one of my hips and legs at the other hip.
At this stage of pregnancy, it was hopeful that baby is in a better positon getting ready for birth. While there is still time for baby to turn, a C-Section is on the cards. But we'll know more at my next appointment check up at 32 weeks.
Sleep has become a major problem for me since hitting my 3rd trimester. I find it difficult to fall asleep, toss and turn all night, and wake several times to pee (I didnt miss that early pregnancy symptom. Devo its back!) I have also taken up snoring, much to my husbands dismay. And I dont mean cute snoring either, I mean full on roaring, wake-myself-up snoring. So attractive!
How come no one explained that while sex gets you here in the first place, pregnancy can be SO unsexy! Seriously!
Another early pregnancy symptom that has returned is tiredness. This could be due to the poor night-time sleep, but im finding myself needing naps in the afternoon and getting pretty emotional if I dont get one. Overtiredness perhaps!
My belly is getting pretty heavy to lug around with me, but have been enjoying long walks to keep active, as slow as i might be. Waddle much?!
Myself and the hubbers went to visit Tulfarris Hotel and Golf Resort last weekend and it was beautiful. We had such a great weekend away. We visited the beach, walked the golf course at the hotel and took a tour of Russborough House which was great.
We got dressed up and went out for dinner and a couple of Mocktails and a catch up, which we rarely get to do. It was so enjoyable. And SCORE, my Louboutins still fit! Hubby had to put them on and take them off, but still...
You can keep up to date with goings on on my Instagram and facebook Facebook here and Instagram here
Until next time, Conni x

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